The Journey Of DropCoal

The Journey Of DropCoal

Exciting news! Today DropCoal embarked on its journey to NASA’s Kenedy Space Center, Florida, USA. From there it will soon be launched to the ISS, to take its place in the ICE Cubes Facility of the Columbus module. The launch is scheduled for the 1st of November on a SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket, from Launch Pad 31.

Here are some key points about DropCoal:

🔸it is an experiment which will run for 6 months on the ISS, studying how two droplets merge and mix in microgravity

🔸the findings of the experiment have great importance for space exploration, specifically for the administration of medication to the astronauts and the fueling of combustion engines

🔸it is fully automated but it will be controlled by ground operators

🔸it is entirely developed in Romania, by RISE

Stay tuned for more updates as we take science to new heights!

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