憋不住了,媒体们别再乱编健康新闻了!Can’t bear it anymore, the media should stop making up health news!

憋不住了,媒体们别再乱编健康新闻了!Can’t bear it anymore, the media should stop making up health news!

When we look at Trends every day, we can’t stand it anymore: “The 21-year-old boy drinks drinks and eats takeaways for a long time and live in EICU”, “The man stays up until 3 o’clock every night and then finds out stomach cancer”, “Experts do not recommend using an air fryer”… None of them are reliable. These popular health news are produced in batches according to a set of formulas, plus the methods of forcing cause and effect, avoiding the important, and making trouble without reason. Today we will analyze the routine here~

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#柴知道 #ChaiKnows #假新闻
