Lab-grown burgers and cricket salads ‘could be meal staples by 2054’ #news #food #insect #laboratory

Lab-grown burgers and cricket salads ‘could be meal staples by 2054’ #news #food #insect #laboratory

Lab-grown burgers and cricket salads could be meal staples by 2054, according to a study.

The next 30 years will see consumers turn increasingly to laboratory-grown meat cultured from animal tissues – with the potential to reduce emissions, land use and water consumption, researchers from University of York-based FixOurFood programme believe.

People will consume a wider range of insect proteins and preserves as part of their daily diet, with the nutritional quality of termites, crickets, locusts and grasshoppers seeing them utilised more in food products, the report, for the Co-op supermarket suggests.

Meanwhile, vegetable consumption will evolve towards embracing locally-sourced seasonal produce and traditional preservation methods such as pickling and fermenting.
